December 19, 2013

1. I really need to learn to wear a Saree quickly, and to be fair, I can manage to drape your chiffon and the polyster sarees to an extent but Kanjeevarams just intimidate me.

So I got this bunch of sarees for my wedding nearly nine Kanjeeverams and they are all very beautiful. But I get totally scared  that I will crumple them and do some irreversible damage to them.
It so transpires that I 'm a pampered brat. Everytime I had to wear a saree Amma or twerp would do it for me and I would not lift a finger and find faults much to their exasperation.
So, my winter shutdown has just begun and I'm going to practice wearing Sarees all day.
With special pointers from Soda of course.
Ill be that pro-saree draping person who will help out helpless teenagers.
And then Ill start stocking my cupboard with all those pretty cotton sarees.

2. My driving test was a disaster.
A kept wondering why he married me.
The driving school guy would shout at me of course.
And I stopped a lot of traffic in Sahakar Nagar.
A has been hiding our car, scared that I will crash it, but it is time.

3. I also want to write more.
4.Talk to strangers.



  1. I did not hide ..kuku has hidden the car..;)

  2. Awesome Post..Please write More..i am interested in reading that toooo your blogs :)

  3. 1. You're funny. In a natural "Oh I'm not funny" way. So write.
    2. Kookoo is creepy. It should be hidden.
